On Wednesday 25th February Neala and Sarah represented St Finian’s in the Ards Borough Council Environmental Youth Speak competition in the town hall.
Neala didn’t have time for nerves as she donned her costume to speak second in the competition. She presented a fantastic piece as Natural Neala the superhero fighting to save our planet. It was a wonderful speech delivered in a very professional and mature manner. Well Done Neala!
The competition was strong as children from all over the ards area made their speeches and poor Sarah grew more nervous as she watched the high quality presentations and fantastic costumes.
Sarah was speaking fourteenth and it was finally her turn. Her speech was in the form of a poem she had written herself on the theme of a superhero. She performed this poem beautifully and the audience were hugely impressed with her performance and the content of her poem. A brilliant performance, well done Sarah.
A hearty lunch was consumed before the results of the competition were announced. Unfortunately Sara or Neala did not win however they represented the school fantastically well and their speeches were fantastic. The girls obviously worked immesely hard preparing for the competition and St Finian’s were very proud of them. The girls will now perform their speeches in assembly for the whole school.