Year 4
Welcome to Primary 4 at Saint Finian’s!
As the children begin their last year at Key Stage 1 we try to develop their independence as they are encouraged to take responsibility for all areas of their learning. They plan together and develop thinking skills as they share ideas and past experiences.
The curriculum is filled with an exciting and interesting range of topics Such as Earth and Space, World War 2 and Prehistoric World among others.
We will also be meeting new friends from different schools through the Shared Education Programme. Here we will have a range of trips and activities to develop relationships and explore a variety of skills.
Activities are extended and evaluated regularly to ensure the children remain motivated and excited within their learning environment.
Cross-curricular links are made where possible in Literacy, Numeracy, The Arts and World around Us to ensure the learning is meaningful for the children and, of course, they make links themselves as they direct their own learning on a daily basis.
Activity Based Learning offers a chance to work in a less structured way allowing the children to further direct both their learning and social skills as they choose and work with different groups within the class.
Primary 4 will be attending Swimming Lessons each week in the first term and awarded badges for a range of swimming achievements.
This is a very special year for Primary 4 as they prepare for and celebrate their Sacrament of Holy Communion. This takes place in June, so the third term is a busy one as they journey towards this important and memorable occasion in their faith life.
Mrs O Dalzell